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The Biblical Prophecies About the End-Time Disasters Have Been Fulfilled

Surely all of our brothers and sisters who read the Bible know that the Lord Jesus talked about the scenes of the last days and that the Book of Revelation prophesies the appearance of blood moons and many other things that will happen in the last days. Nowadays, disasters all over the world are growing ever more serious and blood moons prophesied in the Bible are also frequently appearing. Many people can’t help but connect these things with the great disasters of the last days prophesied in Revelation, especially the seven seals, the seven bowls, the seven plagues, and blood moons mentioned in the end-time prophecies. So, do these current signs indicate the fulfillment of the biblical prophecies? Let’s look for the answer by investigating the Bible.

Biblical Prophecies About the End-Time DisastersBiblical Prophecies About the End-Time Disasters

What Are the Signs of the End Times Prophesied in the Bible?

The Bible says, “And I beheld when He had opened the sixth seal, and, see, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood(Revelation 6:12).

And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows(Matthew 24:6–8).

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened(Matthew 24:21–22).

And also on the servants and on the handmaids in those days will I pour out My Spirit. And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of Jehovah comes(Joel 2:29–31).

Looking at the current state of the world based on these verses, we can discover to our surprise that these prophecies are being fulfilled.

At 9:36 p.m. EST on January 20, 2019, a rare astronomical wonder “super blood wolf moon” appeared, being another rare astronomical sight that followed on from the “super blue blood moon” on January 31, 2018. A report quoted the classics of Judaism, saying that the solar eclipse is a bad omen for all countries, and that as for the lunar eclipse, if the moon turns red during it, like the “blood moon” in January 2019, this portends that there will be a world war. Regarding this kind of rare astronomical phenomenon, Jewish rabbi Mordechai Genut said that the lunar eclipse happening in the month of Shevat signifies that the world’s disasters will quickly get greater, and that there will be more and more punishments from Heaven everywhere, meaning the end of all things is near. Besides, another rare astronomical wonder “super pink moon” occurred on April 7, 2020. The frequent appearances of blood moons and the fulfillment of biblical prophecies have attracted our attention.

Actually, we can also see that in recent years, disasters are getting worse and worse all over the world—earthquakes, floods, droughts, fires, famines and plagues occur frequently. Of particular note, the novel coronavirus, which broke out at the end of 2019, has spread throughout the world, leading to a shocking death toll, plunging the world into panic, and causing many countries and their cities to be placed in lockdown. The world is in a state of constant upheaval and turmoil, with wars, violence and terrorist attacks on the rise. All this precisely fulfills the following prophecy from the Bible, “And also on the servants and on the handmaids in those days will I pour out My Spirit. And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of Jehovah comes(Joel 2:29–31). According to this prophecy, before the great disasters come, God’s Spirit shall speak His words to water His servants and handmaids. That’s to say, when the Lord Jesus returns, He shall speak new words and make complete a group of overcomers before the great disasters. These people shall be the first fruits and they shall be those who serve God in His kingdom. As for the signs of the last days, let’s see what the relevant words of God say.

God says, “The last days have arrived and countries across the world are in turmoil. There is political disarray, there are famines, pestilences, floods, and droughts appearing everywhere. There is catastrophe in the world of man; Heaven has also sent down disaster. These are signs of the last days(“Practice (2)”).

As a result, the waters will roar, the mountains will topple, the great rivers will disintegrate, man will be ever given to change, the sun will grow dim, the moon will darken, man will have no more days of living in peace, there will be no more times of tranquility upon the land, the heavens will never again remain calm and quiet, and will endure no longer. All things will be renewed and will recover their original appearance(“Chapter 28” of God’s Words to the Entire Universe).

Open your eyes and look, and you can see My great power everywhere! You can be certain of Me everywhere. The cosmos and the firmament are spreading My great power. The words I have spoken have come true in the warming of the weather, in climate change, in abnormalities within people, in the disorder of social dynamics, and in the deceit within people’s hearts. The sun whitens and the moon reddens; it all is out of balance. Do you really still not see these things?(“Chapter 39” of Utterances of Christ in the Beginning).

In all nations and all places of the world, earthquakes, famines, plagues, and all manner of disasters occur frequently. As I do My great work in all nations and all places, these disasters will arise with more severity than at any other time since the creation of the world. This is the beginning of My judgment of all peoples(“Chapter 92” of Utterances of Christ in the Beginning).

Without anyone’s being aware of it, the situation in every country of the world is becoming increasingly tense, crumbling and falling into chaos day by day. The leaders of each country all hope to win power in the end. It really has not occurred to them that My chastisement is already upon them(“Chapter 82” of Utterances of Christ in the Beginning).

Today, among the nations of the world, I am doing the work that I have set out to accomplish. I move about in the midst of humankind, doing all the work within My plan, and all humanity is breaking up the sundry nations according to My will. The people on the earth have their attention fixed on their own destination, for the day is indeed drawing closer and the angels are sounding their trumpets. There will be no more delays, and all creation will thereupon begin to dance in jubilation. Who can extend My day at their will? An earthling? Or the stars in the sky? Or the angels? When I make an utterance to initiate the salvation of Israel’s people, My day presses in upon all of mankind. Every man fears the return of Israel. When Israel returns, that will be My day of glory, and so, too, will it be the day when everything changes and becomes renewed. As righteous judgment imminently approaches the whole universe, all men grow timid and fearful, because in the human world, righteousness is unheard of. When the Sun of righteousness appears, the East will be illuminated, and then it will in turn illuminate the whole universe, reaching everyone. If man can really carry out My righteousness, what would there be to fear? My people all await the arrival of My day, they all long for the coming of My day. They wait for Me to bring retribution upon all mankind and to arrange mankind’s destination in My role as the Sun of righteousness. My kingdom is coming into shape above the whole universe, and My throne holds sway in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. With the angels’ assistance, My great accomplishment will soon be brought to fruition. All My sons and My people eagerly await My return, longing for Me to reunite with them, never to be separated again. How could the multitudinous populace of My kingdom not race toward one another in joyful celebration because of My being together with them? Can this be a reunion for which no price need be paid? I am honorable in all men’s eyes, I am proclaimed in the words of all. When I return, moreover, I shall conquer all enemy forces. The time has come! I will put My work in motion, I will reign as King among men! I am on the point of return! And I am about to depart! This is what everyone is hoping for, it is what they wish. I shall let the whole of humanity behold the arrival of My day, and they shall all welcome the coming of My day with joy!(“Chapter 27” of God’s Words to the Entire Universe).

Editor’s Note:

I believe that after seeing these words of God and the biblical prophecies regarding the signs of the last days, you’ll feel the same way as I do: As all kinds of disasters are descending and blood moons and other signs of the last days in the Bible have appeared, the end of all things is near. Two thousand years ago, the Lord Jesus said He would return at the end of the world to receive us so that we could be with Him. Nowadays, the scenes of the last days have all appeared, which means the Lord has returned. The arrival of disasters, on the one hand, is to warn mankind that the Lord has returned; on the other hand, it is to chastise this evil age. At this crucial time, how should we welcome the Lord’s return? I would further like to recommend “The Savior Has Already Returned Upon a ‘White Cloud’” and “Signs Have Appeared of the Lord’s Return: How Should We Welcome Him?,” which will guide you to find the Lord’s footsteps and joyously receive His return.