The Creator’s Identity Is Unique, and You Should Not Abide by the Idea of Polytheism
Although the skills and abilities of Satan are greater than those of man, although it can do things that are unattainable by man, regardless of whether you envy or aspire to what Satan does, regardles...The Authority of the Creator Is Immutable and Unoffendable
What have you seen in these three parts of scripture? Have you seen that there is a principle by which God exerts His authority? For example, God used a rainbow to establish a covenant with man—He pla...God Uses His Words to Establish a Covenant With Man
Gen 9:11–13 And I will establish My covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. And God sai...Only God, Who Has the Identity of the Creator, Possesses the Unique Authority
The special identity of Satan has caused many people to exhibit a strong interest in its manifestations of various aspects. There are even many foolish people who believe that, as well as God, Sat...Though Mankind Has Been Corrupted, He Still Lives Under the Sovereignty of the Creator’s Authority
Satan has been corrupting mankind for thousands of years. It has wrought untold amounts of evil, has deceived generation after generation, and has committed heinous crimes in the world. It has abused ...