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Isaiah 57:15 - God Revives the Contrite and Humble Spirits

For thus said the high and lofty One that inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

- Isaiah 57:15

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

It can be seen from our experience that when we behave with arrogance and superiority without knowing ourselves in dealing with others, we will lose God’s presence, and fall into the darkness and distress. When we know our own corruption, humble ourselves, and show remorse and repentance to God, we obtain God’s tolerance, regain His presence and guidance. We taste God’s grace and His mercy, feeling assured and comfortable within. From this, we can see that God blesses those who can humble themselves and show true repentance to God. He hopes the heart of man can be awakened by His words, and that man can understand the earnest intentions of His salvation for man, and be considerate toward God’s will, and satisfy God, thus attaining fearing God and shunning evil.

Just as God’s words say: “What God wants to see is that man’s heart can be revived. In other words, these ways that He uses to work on man are to continually awaken the heart of man, awaken man’s spirit, letting man know where they came from, who is guiding them, supporting them, providing for them, and who has allowed man to live up till now; they are to let man know who is the Creator, whom they should worship, what kind of road they should walk, and in what way man should come before God; they are used to gradually revive the heart of man, so man knows God’s heart, understands God’s heart, and comprehends the great care and thought behind His work to save man. When man’s heart is revived, they no longer wish to live the life of a degenerate, corrupt disposition, but instead wish to seek out the truth in the satisfaction of God. When man’s heart has been awakened, they are then able to make a clean break with Satan, no longer to be harmed by Satan, no longer to be controlled or fooled by it. Instead, man can cooperate in God’s work and in His words in a positive way to satisfy the heart of God, thus attaining fearing God and shunning evil.”

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Today’s Verse Illustrated

God revives the contrite and humble spiritsGod revives the contrite and humble spirits